Subscription options

Most RCPCH members have access to secure content on this website, including the Child Protection Companion, and can log in via their RCPCH online account. Other individuals in relevant professions may apply for Associate or Affiliate membership. Other subscription options for organisations may also be available.

RCPCH members

Most RCPCH members have access to secure content on this website as part of their annual membership subscription. This currently comprises the Child Protection Companion, which describes the essential context and the pathway of child protection cases. Later in 2024 it will include the Physical Signs of Child Sexual Abuse, also known as the ‘Purple Book’. To access, click Log in at the top of this website and enter your membership number and password used for your RCPCH online account.

RCPCH Medical student members and Honorary Fellows do not have access to secure content as part of their membership.

Other health professionals and legal professionals

If you are a healthcare professional, social worker, legal professional who works in child health or a medical student and wish to access secure content on this website, you can apply for RCPCH membership:

  • Associate membership – for those who hold a primary medical qualification
  • Affiliate membership – for those with a professional interest in child health, but who do not have a primary medical qualification

Once you have RCPCH membership, you will be able to access secure content on this website. You have the option to renew your membership at the start of each calendar year.


If you are looking to set up access for multiple users in your organisation, please contact to discuss the options.